Wednesday 21 December 2011

2011 Overview

I started the year with two studio lights and an idea that it might be nice to get some studio shots under my belt. I've ended the year with a full studio set up including four lights, assorted reflectors, various backgrounds and thirty plus sessions behind me. I've encountered floppy babies, one year olds who crawl faster than I can shoot. Crying two year olds, brilliant under tens, willing to pose and smile for as long as I asked. Difficult teenage boys and some great older teenage girls who were a joy to work with. All in all it's been one big buzz.

I decided early on that I needed some training so I booked myself in on a Damien Lovegrove lighting course. It was expensive but I had a good day there. Some of the lighting scenarios we were shown on the day have been useful but on the whole the day didn't really lend itself to the studio portraiture my subsequent clients wanted and with hindsight it wasn't the right course for me at that time. 

Ironically the course I needed then was the course I completed with Mark Cleghorn a week ago. What a great day, jammed packed with practical lighting setups and Mark constantly available for us to pick his brains. He missed every tea break throughout the day as he was always in demand but his good natured banter never failed him and he was always willing to offer advice and share his experience. In fact his phototraining4u website has been money well spent. I'm a huge fan of the site which has benefited my photography in every possible way since I joined.

Despite the odd enquiry, up until June last year I had avoided any attempts to get me involved with wedding photography. I didn't think it was something for me and just viewed it as a lot of hassle for limited reward. That was until I shot a wedding in June, albeit as second photographer to the main man. 

What a day. Non stop reportage style shooting and the buzz of being around everyone on such a special day had me hooked. I left the venue exhausted but thinking 'I want more of this'. To that end I decided to accept any subsequent wedding bookings that came my way. I haven't advertised but as a result of word of mouth I now have five confirmed bookings for 2012. I'm apprehensive but looking forward to each event all the same. I've booked a weekend 'Wedding Photography' course for early March with my first wedding at the end of that month.

I think 2012 is going to continue where this year left off. I have seven bookings to sort for January, once I've sorted studio space although I now have a charging plan from February onwards. Weddings are also going to be big on the agenda next year with a view to moving on with that into 2013 and beyond. If I have as much fun next year as I've had this year I will be more than happy. 

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