Tuesday 31 January 2012

Scooters, Mask Pro 5 and Ram

More good news on the wedding front with two more bookings since my last post.. Two great venues as well, with the first at Priston Mill, Timsbury and the second at Coombe Lodge, Blagdon.

Scooters were on the agenda today as a favour to a friend who helped out with some props for another project. He’s got a great collection of modified Vespas and Lambrettas. It was also good to use my new boom arm as I wanted to light the scooters from overhead. I was really pleased with the results. Post processed they look great in B&W. I think it suits the subject anf their era rather than anything else.

As a by product of the shoot I’ve been trialling Onone’s Mask Pro Five over the last few days. After getting over a minor issue with it not working (a graphics card, driver update sorted that) I’ve decided its not really for me. Despite being extremely easy to use all my attempts still left plenty to tidy up in Photoshop. For me the time and effort are not justified by the result so the trials as far as I’ll be going. 

Having taken on the trial I also decided to invest in some more RAM for my PC pushing it up to 8gb from the 4gb already fitted. It’s made quite a difference to Photoshop and Lightroom making both a lot more  pleasant to use. Photoshop especially really benefits from the extra memory and for £18 its a really worthwhile investment.

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