Sunday 18 September 2011

High Key Studio

Back in the studio this week with three separate sittings. I decided to alter my high key lighting set up again as I felt I could have done better with the shots from the previous session. Post processing those images had involved a lot of work in photoshop to make up for some not quite white floor and background areas and a bit more shade on the fill side than I liked.

For this session I decided to move my background lights, two Bowens 500′s fitted with ‘High Performance’ reflectors, closer to the background but still crossing each other with light to the edge of the background opposite the each light. I decided to stick with my large Bowens softbox as my key light, set at forty five degrees to the sitter but feathered across from the right. I had been using a second fill light straight onto the sitter in the last session but I decided to move that light and position it at more of an angle opposite the fill. I decided to change from a shoot through umbrella and use another softbox with this light set one stop below the key and set further back. In camera test shots looked ok but I find these are not always a great indicator with the high key setup.

My first session was with a young family, Mum, Dad, one cooperative five year old and a tearful eighteen month old girl. Despite my best efforts I couldn’t coax one smile from her but that’s all good experience and I did get some nice serious looking shots by getting Dad to swing her round into camera from over his shoulder. Travis was the complete opposite and more than happy to pose  in any way I asked and even had a few ideas of his own.

More than happy with some nice shots in the bag I moved onto the next session with one year old Reuben. What a nightmare. Forget posing marks on the floor, the studio was one big adventure playground as far as Reuben was concerned and he wasn’t going to hang around for me. We tried hard and eventually came away with some nice crawling shots and a couple of him stuck between Dads legs. Plonking him into a chair for a few shots also worked until he sussed out how to climb down and get away again. A good experience again although I’ve no idea what I could do different next time.

For the final session I changed the lighting as I’d asked my niece to come in with a Michael Jackson fancy dress outfit she’d worn to a family party the week before. I wanted an excuse to use my beauty dish and a hair light so we experimented with a few setups and poses. There’s more work to do on this one but I was quite pleased with a couple of the efforts. For the background I used my white colorama paper but turned off the rear lights. This worked well and gave a nice mid grey effect in the final image.

Post processed I was more happy with the new light set up for the high key stuff. Personally I like my high key work to be exactly that, very white, light and slightly bleached. I might tweak the back light setting again next time but I think I’ll stick with my key and fill light setup. Using a couple of the Kubota actions lifted the contrast and colours and my 20% Gaussian blur/light channel sharpen action finished them off nicely.

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