Monday 4 April 2011

New Studio Room

The Neale family visited the make shift studio this week, they're friends of ours who were up for a bit of fun posing for me. I've decided the converted bedroom at home isn't going to big enough for family groups so I hired a room locally at a reasonable rate. This worked out really well and I think this is where I'll be doing the majority of my studio stuff in future. As before, I'd spent some time researching and compiling mood boards which made up for my inexperience in arranging poses. Having said that my two favourite shots on the day were more candid, snatched, shots of the kids with natural expressions as I caught them unawares.

It was the first time I'd used my white paper background with the four lights as opposed to the Lastolite Hi Lite and it worked really well. I can't see me getting much use out of the roll though as it's already marked up quite badly. I think I'll be looking to invest in a vinyl backdrop before too long as it's going to be a lot more economical.

We had just about an hour for the session and it went really well. Both kids, Antonia and Boo Boo had no inhibitions and were perfect little posers. Sam and Scott joined in the fun and all and all we had a really good t ime.

I had no problem sorting thirty or so shots I was happy with from the session and still have quite a few more I'm sure Sam would be happy with.

All in all another good learning exercise and a few hours of really good fun for everyone involved.

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