Sunday 3 April 2011

UCLA Book Cover

I had a bit of a buzz this week when I received an email from UCLA asking if they could use one of my pictures for the cover of an upcoming book. It's a shot I took of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. The book is a history Teaching Guide which will be published later this year.

The University came to me via my Flickr account which just goes to show the value of taking time to tag your pictures. In fact over the last few years I’ve had quite a few requests via Flickr to use my pictures for various publications, blogs and web guides.

I suppose it’s a great resource, and a cheaper option, for organisations with limited funding. In most cases they’ll get their chosen picture in exchange for a credit whereas a similar picture sourced from a Stock Agency could cost a considerable amount based on the print run involved. There’s some really good quality stuff hosted on Flickr, just take a look at the 100+, 200+ (etc) favs groups for some excellent examples.

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