Wednesday 16 March 2011

My First Paying Clients

Emma, Andy and young Archie visited the studio this week, my first paying clients. I think they were as apprehensive as me but once the introductions were over we soon settled on a plan of action.

I started by showing them some mood boards I’d compiled with some ideas for poses. I’d researched these the week before by looking through a couple of stock sites. The boards proved really beneficial and gave a bit of structure to the shoot.

I’d also had a last minute change of mind on my lighting set up for the shots of Archie on his own. Having watched a video tutorial on the phototraining4u site I decided to move my large softbox close into Archie, 45 degrees to his right and just above his head. I’d placed him on white card and used the Lastolite Hi-lite for the background. These shots worked really well and were my favourites from all I took on the afternoon. Archie was a bit overalled and wasn’t really up for to many smiles, despite everyones best efforts, but even so, I’m pleased with the shots I got here.

We moved onto to some standard family poses with Emma and Andy choosing those they particularly liked from the mood boards and after a short break took some full body shots using white paper taped o the bottom of the lastolite with white duct tape, another tip I’d picked up from the Phototraining4u site. The limitations of the small studio became apparent at this point and really, with adults standing, I’m going to need somewhere with a bit more height.

Come the end it was a really enjoyable afternoon. Little Archie had had enough but I’m pleased with some of what we came away with, Emma and Andy seemed happy after a quick review in Lightroom. Just a hundred or so pics to post process now…

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