Monday 4 March 2013

Catching Up

Finally, some time to catch up on the blog. 

Some of you might have been aware that just prior to Christmas we decided to call it a day in relation to our wedding photography. I say we because it would have been almost impossible to deliver the service we have done without the help and support of my wife, Linda. Despite a great wedding season throughout last year we came to that decision for several reasons. Probably the most important being the work/life balance between working full time alongside our part time work as wedding photographers, especially when we had four weddings in one month towards the end of the year. 

We were never in it for financial reasons, I just love taking photographs, although at some point you do have look at some recompense for all the time and effort you're putting in. I didn't want to stop being in and around weddings, I love it and it's exceeded all my expectations. It might sound a bit big headed but I also feel we've done a really good job although we're still very much learning and improving with each wedding we attend. That's always going to be the case though if you want to be the very best you can.

For various reasons, not least the amount of enquires we've had as a result of recommendations from all of our brides and grooms over the last year, we decided on a u-turn a few weeks ago. To make it work better for us we decided to go back in with a much more structured approach, which in the long run will be in the best interests of us and our clients.

To that end I've revamped our pricing structure, time allocation and service we provide. The web site also needed a revamp and is currently being re-designed in a much more wedding orientated manner.
I hope to post a few retrospective posts in the next few weeks covering the weddings that haven't made the blog over recent months.

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