Monday 4 March 2013


I will admit I'm not over keen on High Key studio work. I do the odd session for friends or friends of friends but despite getting some great shots from most sessions I find the post processing a chore. Either I'm not getting the lights right or I'm too fussy but I seem to spend ages cleaning the whites up and x 90 for most sessions with three families it's not much fun.

However I do enjoy taking pictures of young babies which I'm able to do at home, normally with a dark background, where there's a bit more control over the light. By young babies I mean under two weeks old which is when they still look like newborns. After that they seem to grow so quickly they don't fit any of my props.
I had a photo session last week with Oliver who came in at 9lbs 2oz and at one week old he was nearly to big for my basket prop. We managed to squeeze him in though. Here's a few shots from the session.

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