Monday 29 April 2013

My chilli plant mis-buy

About a year ago I bought a Jamie Oliver Chilli plant from our local Homebase store. I’m still not really sure why. I don’t particularly like chilli’s and besides which, the plant cost me £8. I was probably thinking it would look quite exotic on our deck and it did produce a fair few chilli’s. To say they were hot wouldn’t be doing them credit. 

Whilst lazing on the deck one rare sunny afternoon I was drawn to the fact that the orange and reds of the chiili’s looked fantastic. I decided to photograph the plant against the deep blue sky thinking it was a good time to pull out my long forgotten polarizer. 

Pleased with the images I uploaded them to my stock site, Alamy, and forgot all about them until last month when I was notified that one of the images had sold. I’d attached a Royalty Free licence to the shot and it went for $292 I don't receive all of that). I’ve no idea who bought it but I expect it will probably turn up in a cookery or gardening book somewhere. Every cloud.....!

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