Monday 29 April 2013

My chilli plant mis-buy

About a year ago I bought a Jamie Oliver Chilli plant from our local Homebase store. I’m still not really sure why. I don’t particularly like chilli’s and besides which, the plant cost me £8. I was probably thinking it would look quite exotic on our deck and it did produce a fair few chilli’s. To say they were hot wouldn’t be doing them credit. 

Whilst lazing on the deck one rare sunny afternoon I was drawn to the fact that the orange and reds of the chiili’s looked fantastic. I decided to photograph the plant against the deep blue sky thinking it was a good time to pull out my long forgotten polarizer. 

Pleased with the images I uploaded them to my stock site, Alamy, and forgot all about them until last month when I was notified that one of the images had sold. I’d attached a Royalty Free licence to the shot and it went for $292 I don't receive all of that). I’ve no idea who bought it but I expect it will probably turn up in a cookery or gardening book somewhere. Every cloud.....!

Thursday 25 April 2013

Picture Published

Yay, I had a picture published in the Bristol Evening Post earlier this week. They run a picture of the day section so last week I thought I would send in a Bristol shot. For those familiar with Bristol it's the Spectrum Building on Bond St. Here's the Post page and original image below it

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Macro Work

The first warmish day for some time allowed me to get out into the garden to look for some bugs yesterday. I bought a new macro lens back in February, the infamous  Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L. I wanted it mainly to help with my wedding shots, rings and makeup etc. although it's an impressive portrait lens in its own right. All I could find, bug wise, was this hover fly but considering how small it was I'm impressed with the lens.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Kate Allenby

I had the pleasure of meeting up with Olympic Pentathlete Kate Allenby recently. Kate won an Olympic Bronze in the 2000 Sydney Games. She competed again in Athens in 2004 and now coaches fencing. 

She was the Director of Fence for the Modern Pentathlon event in the London Games last year. We met up for some promotional shots in Bath. I had hope to get a look at her Bronze medal but she couldn't find it on the day as her kids had been playing with it...