Saturday 10 March 2012


My wedding photography course in Wiltshire finally rolled around last weekend. It was good to hear from some experienced pro's and I left looking forward to my first wedding in two weeks time. It has meant buying some extra equipment as we were introduced to various bits of Interfit strobis kit and wireless triggers. Fortunately I was able to save a few pounds at the 'Focus on Imaging' show last Tuesday. That will  be another blog entry. 

All in all its been an expensive time as I've had to invest in a second, back up, camera and a few more bits and pieces that I'm going to need. Fortunately the bookings are still coming in and I'm up to eleven weddings now with three bookings for next year which will help towards my equipment fund. It's pleasing that all the bookings are coming via recommendation, mostly off the back of all the studio work I did last year.

Another problem I've had is keeping track of appointments and follow up enquiries following the bookings. I was trialling Light Blue software which was good but quite an expensive outlay at £350. I've since found FotoSF which does much the same job and uses the same database system as Light Blue. The lite package is ideally suited for someone starting out, like me, and a lot more affordable at £60. I'm certainly very impressed with it so far and I think it's going to be a worthwhile investment.

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