Saturday 12 February 2011

Home Studio

The new home studio is coming along really well. The combined bedrooms have now been re-plastered, painted through and just waiting for new carpet. As it’s going to be a dual purpose room I decided against laminate although that probably would have been more suitable for a studio.

We tried it out over the weekend. In truth it’s going to be a bit small for anything other than children or single head portraits and I could do with a bit more height for the lights but, having said that, I was really pleased with some of the shots I came away with. I think long term I might look at setting up a studio in the garage as this will give me a bit more shooting space and not impact on the rest of the house as much. It did become apparent that I’m going to need a couple more lights for the darker background stuff and perhaps something a bit more powerful to use with the lastolite light box.

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