Saturday 30 October 2010

Bristol Zombie Walk

The annual 'Bristol Zombie Walk' today. I can't think of anything else more tailor made for people/street photographers. What a great day. Over 2000 Zombies, all in high spirits and everyone was up for having their picture taken. I came away with over 250 shots which are all now up on facebook at: Album 1 and Album 2. The only downer was getting back to the car to find the door lock drilled out by some scumbag looking for God knows what. It's pretty obvious looking at the car there'd be nothing in there to take.

Friday 29 October 2010

Xmas Cards

We've been busy with the studio lights over the last week or so. Nearly all the shots were taken for calendars and Christmas cards. The pic to the left is for our Xmas cards to friends and family. This was about take 10 on this particular effort and Lin finally managed to co-ordinate blowing the icing sugar into my face with the cameras self timer. There's a few more shots that have to remain top secret until December.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Studio Lights

I’ve been busy experimenting with some new studio lights over the last few weeks with the help of an excellent book called ‘Light: Science and Magic: An Introduction to Photographic Lighting’ It’s a steep learning curve but good fun and I’ve been really pleased with some of the straight forward portrait lighting shots I’ve taken. The picture to the right was taken after I’d finished the chapter in the book on lighting glass. Done using one strobe, fired through an old white shower curtain positioned behind the bottle.


Just back from a weeks break in Tuscany. The new 70-200 was never off the camera. The more I use it the more impressed I am. The keeper rate from this thing is far higher than anything else I've used before and image quality is superb. It's an expensive investment but well worth it. I've now sold the old 70-200 lens in part exchange for a new wide angle lens (my old sigma 10-20 wasn't really compatible with the full frame 5D). I got more than I paid for it three years ago which just goes to prove how highly regarded these L series lenses are.